Friday 6 November 2015

Top 5 tips for travelling in France

I was recently asked by a reader: What tips can you give me for travelling in France? So I compiled a list of my top 5 tips for travelling in France...

I've been in France for over 3 months now and I've experienced many French towns and cities over the time. I have compiled a list of my top 5 things to know when travelling in France.

1. Learn basic French - Aside from this being incredibly polite, the French people choose not to speak in English so you'll need to understand some of the basics when it comes to ordering food and checking reservations.

2. Don't overeat - Like I mentioned in my previous post Eating like the French, you tend to eat a lot of food in France. So I have a few tips for you: Firstly, skip a big breakfast, instead opt for fresh fruit and a small pastry. Don't forget your coffee too! Next, pick one meal either lunch or dinner as your biggest meal. Don't eat 2 big meals in a day! And finally, if you're like me and love your desserts, share one with your partner, you won't feel so guilty for the indulgence.
3. Buy a city map - They are much more reliable than a GPS and you can use them offline! There have been many times during our travels where our GPS has failed and we've had no wifi to fix it. Also city maps will show you all the must see landmarks in the city, so you won't miss anything!

4. Be careful of pick pockets - I'm sure you hear this all the time but it's so easy to be distracted when you are exploring new places. My tip for women, buy a handbag with an inside pocket zip for your valuables and a zip and buckle closure for the outside. Also, keep the things you use most, in a separate compartment to your wallet so you don't expose your valuables every time you open your bag.

5. And finally, shops don't open on Sundays so plan your shopping around that! The first Sunday here, I desperately needed to buy something but discovered I couldn't. Now I make sure I have everything I need before the weekend hits!

What did you learn from travelling France that you wish you knew before?

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