
Friday, 4 December 2015

5 months away...

My holiday is well and truly over now!

I've been very fortunate to spend 4 months in France, travelling around the country and living in my Frenchy's hometown of Angers. While I had an amazing time which I will forever remember, it's nice for my life to have more structure here in London.

Since the age of 14, I've been working. I worked casually while in high school and University and then full time once I graduated. And during my 11 years of professional experience, I barely took any holidays.

So for me to take an extended holiday was a shock to the system! 

It was difficult for me to have no structure or purpose to my life. But now that I'm in an english speaking country, working hard, I feel more like myself.

So what is next for me and my Frenchy?

While it's our goal to work hard and save some money, we still want to travel and explore new places here in Europe.

Our next destination will be somewhere I can see and feel snow. Living in Australia, I wasn't lucky enough to experience snow. The only time I saw snow, I was 4 years old. I have a few pictures and a short video of me in the snow but I was too young to remember it and properly experience it. So, after Christmas time, we will save our money and plan our snowy escape!

For now, I am settling into my new position as the Clothing Specialist for a busy London store, our future aspiration is to take mini vacations around Europe, while continuing to earn and save our money.

For us, we have no time limit on London. If we love it here and find a successful work/life balance, we will work hard towards our future careers while enjoying much needed vacations in between.

To follow my 4 month vacation in France (and surrounding countries) click here for the full details.

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