
Monday, 30 November 2015

Top 5 tips for finding work in London

When I decided I wanted to live in London, convincing my Frenchy wasn't as difficult as I thought. I started searching for work, while I was still in France and found SO many job opportunities.

Upon our arrival in London, so many people told us London is a great place to progress in the workplace. There are so many job opportunities here, so you'll be sure to find something for you.

So where do you start? 

1. Work on your resume to tailor it to the positions you are applying for. Your resume/cv is the most important tool to assist you in your employment success. Make sure it is detailed, professional and easy to read.

2. Submit your resume to a recruitment company. They will help you find the job/career you want, while you can focus on the move and settling into the city.

3. Don't put all your eggs in one basket! Apply for a few positions before you get to London. If you are successful, hopefully you will have some interviews lined up for when you arrive.

4. Prepare some common interview questions and responses before your interviews. Also, remember to familiarise yourself with the Company, the more you are prepared, the more confident and professional you will sound. If you haven't had much experience in interviewing, you can always find some coaching professionals to help!

5. First impressions are very important. Make sure you are professional. Arrive to your interview ahead of time, wear appropriate interview attire, be well rested and calm. This will ensure you perform at your optimum capacity!

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail!" Benjamin Franklin

Head to my previous post for more tips from London

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