
Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Living 6 months abroad

I still can't believe I am in Europe. Every month I sit down and reflect on the month I've had. I weigh the ups and downs, review my thousands of photographs and reminisce with my Frenchy on the highlights. 

And every time I do this, I can't believe I lasted another month.

I have to confess, I'm a creature of habit. I like routine. Before leaving Perth, I don't think I had a spontaneous bone in my body! But now, living abroad for 6 months, I've had to adapt.

The passed 2 months have been the hardest so far. I loved my time in France, holidaying and exploring new places, but now the holiday is over, it's been a shock to the system. 

My time in London has been a challenging time.

Most recently, I had to endure the festive season without my family so that was like a kick in the face whenever people were shopping for their loved ones. Instead of being a happy time of year, I felt like the Grinch who had to find different ways to cope with homesickness.

London is a place where you spend all day, everyday at work. You have long shifts and then long commutes back home. I never fully feel rested even after I've had a day off. And while my Frenchy and I are growing stronger, we've definitely had some challenges over the passed 2 months. We went from seeing each other every single day in France, to missing each other everyday. I work days and Frenchy works as a waiter by night. So it was impossible to spend time together. It was definitely a difficult time for me, cooking dinner for one every night but it's the challenges that make a person stronger, right?

But now, finally, things are turning around for us (me) in London. We finally have money to our name so we can pay for food and accommodation without the constant anxiety! And we've had more time together to slowly explore the city. I've also met so many wonderful and supportive people here in London, who have made my time adjusting much easier then it would have been.

I've definitely grown stronger and wiser during my short time here in London.

Head to the London series for more details from London.

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